I’d like to thank many people for their feedback that has gone into the matholymp software (whether during the early stages of development when it was just software for EGMO 2012, or EGMO in general, or later when it was generic software for olympiads), and for their work for olympiads using this software that has helped point to features that would be useful for the software. I haven’t kept good records of everyone who has helped in such ways; they include, but are not limited to:
- Alessandra Caraceni
- James Cranch
- Birgit van Dalen
- Beverley Detoeuf
- Mike Dostert
- Ceri Fiddes
- Julia Gog
- Rachel Greenhalgh
- Jo Harbour
- Vesna Kadelburg
- Viviane Kehl
- Azer Kerimov
- Mikita Lappo
- Charles Leytem
- Sergei Mazanik
- Vicky Neale
- Quintijn Puite
- Dan Schwarz
- Geoff Smith
- Okan Tekman
- Şükrü Torun
- Kasia Warburton
- Pascal Zeihen
- Alison Zhu