International Mathematical Olympiad 1992 (Moscow, Russia) Country Scores

PositionCountryScoreTeam SizeScore on QuestionNumber of Medals
China [CHN]2406414242383542600
United States of America [USA]1816373232361133330
Romania [ROM]177638422938921222
Commonwealth of Independent States [CIS]1766413035261529230
United Kingdom [UNK]1686422423262132222
Russia [RUS]158635343522824222
Germany [FRG]1496382732181024042
8=Hungary [HUN]142633292928320131
8=Japan [JPN]142627282433426131
10=France [FRA]139633271637818131
10=Vietnam [VIE]13963834635917123
12 Yugoslavia [YUG]136642202733212024
13 Czechoslovakia [CZE]1346361917171431023
14 Iran [IRA]133630291841213032
15 Bulgaria [BUL]127635141435920113
16 North Korea [PRK]126634271532018032
17 Taiwan [ROC]12463116637727032
18 South Korea [ROK]12263822113786104
19 Australia [AUS]118626321223817112
20 Israel [ISA]108620261718720022
21 India [IND]10762622631022014
22 Canada [CAN]105627211028316103
23 Belgium [BEL]10062625430312012
 Ukraine [UKR]9352714192274000
24=Poland [POL]9062826911214013
24=Sweden [SWE]90615121228716020
26=Hong Kong [HKG]896201743738012
26=Singapore [SIN]8961427827112013
28 Italy [ITA]83611251613216003
 Kazakhstan [KAZ]806227017628000
29 Norway [NOR]776269522213012
30 Netherlands [NET]7161415159018010
31 Austria [AUT]7067121818411003
32 Argentina [ARG]676171842242011
33 Tunisia [TUN]6441413717112101
34 Turkey [TUR]63621981726002
35 Colombia [COL]556131181715001
 Armenia [ARM]53427201716000
36 Mongolia [MON]516211211511000
37=Spain [ESP]506201111314001
37=Thailand [THA]50610981076010
39 Brazil [BRA]48681851241001
40 Morocco [MAR]45624110514000
41=Denmark [DEN]42511610816000
41=Ireland [IRE]4261892508000
43 New Zealand [NZL]416678839001
44 Philippines [PHI]40414721205001
45=Greece [HEL]3763822004000
 Belarus [BRS]37312103408000
 Latvia [LAT]36271034012000
46=Macau [MAC]3565841512000
46=Portugal [POR]35610521017001
48 Cyprus [CYP]3464901218001
49 Finland [FIN]33611110704000
50 Mexico [MEX]3263841007000
51 Switzerland [SWT]30301121700000
52=Trinidad and Tobago [RTT]266582524000
 Lithuania [LIT]263834515000
53 Indonesia [INA]2263341110000
54 South Africa [RSA]216370515000
 Estonia [EST]184723105000
55 Cuba [CUB]1730311300000
56 Iceland [ICE]163712402000
 Azerbaijan [AZB]101710101000

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Last updated: 5 January 2016